Tag Archives: the iliad

On the Bookshelf XVI


W1CK by Michael Bunker & Chris Aswalt
Borrowed this one from the Kindle library at the recommendation of a friend. Post-apocalyptic fiction is a favorite genre of mine, but this book describes itself as “pre-apocalyptic” – a thriller that sets the stage for the “social, economic, and structural collapse of Western Civilization.” Bring it on.
At the Mountains of Madness and Other Weird Tales by H.P. Lovecraft
Deadly cats, multi-eyed protoplasmic entities, time-traveling body snatchers, and *cough* huge albino penguins. You’ve gotta hand it to him: when it comes to things weird, creepy, and grotesque, Lovecraft’s imagination is virtually unrivaled. I’m still trying to decide if that’s a good thing or not.
The Iliad by Homer
Not entirely sure why it took me this long to pick up Homer’s work, but I’m glad I finally did. But you probably knew I’d say that. I’m using the translation by Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, and so far, it’s every bit as epic as his name.
Reformed Is Not Enough: Recovering the Objectivity of the Covenant by Douglas Wilson
“Multitudes of faithless, corrupt Christians show that they do not believe what God said at their baptism. They live like adulterous husbands. But the tragedy is that many conscientious conservative Christians also do not believe what God said at their baptism.” Regardless of whether you agree with every little thing he writes, Wilson seldom fails to challenge, engage, and edify. I’m excited to dig into this one.
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
I’ll be honest: this book scares me. I don’t think I’ve said that of any other book, but it’s certainly true of this one. Something about reading a thousand-page novel centered on Objectivism makes my blood run cold. But read it I shall. It’s considered “a classic” by many, and I want to know why. (The fact that it was a key influence in the development of my favorite game is simply an added bonus.)

What’s on your bookshelf right now?