
“I do not think we did go blind, I think we are blind, Blind but seeing, Blind people who can see, but do not see.”

For those that are interested, I wrote a guest piece for the Torrey Gazette which you can read here. It’s a review of one of the more remarkable books I’ve read this year: Jose Saramago’s Blindness.


In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Stephen King thumps his gavel on the whole organized religion thing:

When you see somebody like Jimmy Swaggart and he’s supposed to be this great minister touched by God, and he’s paying whores because he wants to look up their dresses, it’s just all hypocrisy.

In other news, there is no such thing as Camembert because Easy Cheese exists.


A Good Man


“My name is Barry Allen and I’m the fastest man alive. A friend recently gave me the idea for a new name and something tells me it’s gonna catch on…”

Barring a handful of shows I’ve followed with more or less regularity over the years (The Walking Dead, Parks & Recreation, Fringe), I don’t watch much TV, and I don’t pay close attention when networks air their latest and greatest. But there’s one new show I’m honestly happy about. That show is CW’s The Flash.

It’s DC territory from now on, so if watching a man get struck by lightning and turn into a speedster isn’t your thing, it isn’t your thing. For the rest of us, The Flash has all the ingredients of sly, good-hearted comic book fun.

It’s brand-spanking-new, of course, so I might eat those words in a few months’ time, but I’m choosing to be optimistic. Here’s why: Barry Allen is a good man.

He’s good in much the same way that Steve Rogers is good, because with or without his powers, he’s ready to be a hero – one with a moral compass that points very stubbornly north. If chivalry is dead, Barry didn’t get the memo. He seems determined to make us believe in knights again.

A good man is hard to find. But when you do, it’s nothing short of inspiring. He even inspired me to take a swipe at the old keyboard again, and given how busy this season of life is, that’s saying a lot.