Flotsam & Jetsam (8/21)

Fun At Wal-Mart – This is hysterical. Really. It should give you something to laugh about for the rest of the day (or the rest of the week).

Ravenous Sheep – I confess I got choked up while reading this. R.C. Sproul, Jr. writes, “Most of us have a rather distorted, city-fied understanding of sheep. We remember from Sunday School that picture of Jesus, smiling as He carried that smiling lamb, the one, over His broad shoulders back to the 99. We never stopped to ask how that one managed to get so far away.”

Reel Quick – If you’re a fan of westerns, this one should definitely be on your list.

On Reading Yourself in the Story – “Scripture is authoritative. Scriptural stories are therefore authoritative. That means we have to obey them. But to obey them, we have to understand them, and then reapply them in a new setting, in our own stories. But in our own stories, in our own conflicts, we will be sorely tempted to make ourselves the honorary protagonists, no matter what. But as I said earlier, it is not the Scriptures that create this kind of self-centered narrative. Scripture actually creates the only possibility of escaping it.” (HT Becky)

Encore – This is so awesome.

“Cheer up, Crips, and keep smiling. That’s the thing to do. If you go through life with a smile on your face, you’ll be amazed how many people will come up to you and say ‘What the hell are you grinning about? What’s so funny?’ Make you a lot of new friends.” ~ P.G. Wodehouse

3 thoughts on “Flotsam & Jetsam (8/21)”

  1. “The hardest thing about being a pastor is the pain of watching the sheep you love banging their heads against the wall until their wool is like scarlet.”


    Think what this says ot looking at sheep who have willfully stepped outside the fence.

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