Books Every Guy Should Read (Pt. 4)

In the fourth and (for now) final installment of this list, I compiled some of the recommendations I was given by readers. I have not read any of these myself
(with the exception of Old Yeller), but I look forward to doing so in the future…

The Gospel According to Jesus by John MacArthur
Recommended by Mike
From Amazon: “In The Gospel According to Jesus, MacArthur tackles the idea of ‘easy believism,’ challenging Christians to re-evaluate their commitment to Christ by examining their fruits. MacArthur asks, ‘What does it really mean to be saved?’ He urges readers to understand that their conversion was more than a mere point in time, that, by definition, it includes a lifetime of obediently walking with Jesus as Lord.”

Meat for Men by Leonard Ravenhill
Recommended by Mike
From Amazon: “This book of revival sermons is Ravenhill’s sequel to the classic book, Why Revival Tarries… a hard-hitting attack upon sin, carnality, and easy undisciplined Christian living.”

The Courage to Be Protestant by David Wells
Recommended by Persis
From Amazon: “This book is a broadside against new versions of evangelicalism as well as a call to return to the historic faith, one defined by Reformation solas (grace, faith, and scripture alone), and to a reverence for doctrine. Wells argues that the historic, classical evangelicalism is one marked by doctrinal seriousness, as opposed to the new movements of the marketing church and the emergent church.”

Missionary Patriarch: The True Story of John G. Paton by John G. Paton
Recommended by Mike & Constitution Girl
From Amazon: “Though John G. Paton’s accounts of evangelism among the South Sea Cannibals are extraordinary, what sets this book apart is that it contains one of the finest testimonies of multi-generational love and devotion between a father and son found outside the Scriptures… Because of his father’s faithful example, Paton was able to love and lead to Christ the very people who tried to eat his wife and child.

Heir to a Dream by Pete Maravich
Recommended by Barbara H.
From Amazon: “Heir to a Dream follows the life of Pete Maravich after his retirement from the NBA in 1980 when he was still a top scorer. His faith experience several years later – which literally turned his life around – is chronicled.”

The Autobiography of George Muller
Recommended by Barbara H.
From Amazon: “What can be accomplished in an ordinary man who trusts in an extraordinary God? George Muller discovered the endless possibilities! These excerpts from his diary allow Muller to tell his own story. Join him on his journey from a life of sin and rebellion to his glorious conversion. Share his struggles and triumphs as he establishes orphan homes to care for thousands of English children, depending on God’s response to his prayer of faith to supply all things.”

The Life of David Brainerd by Jonathan Edwards
Recommended by Persis
From Amazon: “This is a rare, almost forgotten document depicting life in pre-Revolutionary America during the period when religious enthusiasm swept the colonial frontier. From 1743 to 1747 Brainerd had been a missionary to the Indians. Riding alone, thousands of miles on horseback, he kept a journal of daily events that he continued until the week before he died, at the age of twenty-nine, in Edwards’ house.”

Through the Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot
Recommended by Barbara H.
From Amazon: “In 1956, five young men, including Elliot’s husband, Jim, traveled into the jungles of Ecuador to establish communication with the fierce Huaorani Tribe, a people whose only previous response to the outside world has been to attack all strangers. The men’s mission combined modern technology with innate ingenuity, sparked by a passionate determination to get the gospel to those without Christ. In a nearby village, their wives waited to hear from them. The news they received – all five missionaries had been murdered – changed lives around the world forever.”

Old Yeller by Fred Gipson
Recommended by Barbara H.
From Amazon: “When his father sets out on a cattle drive for the summer, fourteen-year-old Travis is left to take care of his mother, younger brother, and the family farm. In the wilderness of early frontier Texas, Travis faces his new and often dangerous responsibilities, with many adventures along the way, all with the help of the big yellow dog who comes to be his best friend.”

The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson
Recommended by Cindy Swanson
From Amazon: “Janner, Tink, and Leeli Igiby thought they were normal children with normal lives and a normal past. But now they know they’re really the Lost Jewels of Anniera, heirs to a legendary kingdom across the sea, and suddenly everyone wants to kill them… But even more dangerous are the jealousies and bitterness that threaten to tear them apart, and Janner and his siblings must learn the hard way that the love of a family is more important than anything else.”

Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
Recommended by Seth
From Amazon: “This futuristic tale involves aliens, political discourse on the Internet, sophisticated computer games, and an orbiting battle station. Yet the reason it rings true for so many is that it is first and foremost a tale of humanity; a tale of a boy struggling to grow up into someone he can respect while living in an environment stripped of choices.”

Shogun by James Clavell
Recommended by Seth
From Amazon: “A bold English adventurer. An invincible Japanese warlord. A beautiful woman torn between two ways of life, two ways of love. All brought together in an extraordinary saga of a time and a place aflame with conflict, passion, ambition, lust, and the struggle for power…”

The Chosen by Chaim Potok
Recommended by Sherry
From Amazon: “In 1940s Brooklyn, New York, an accident throws Reuven Malther and Danny Saunders together. Despite their differences (Reuven is a Modern Orthodox Jew with an intellectual, Zionist father; Danny is the brilliant son and rightful heir to a Hasidic rebbe), the young men form a deep, if unlikely, friendship. Together they negotiate adolescence, family conflicts, the crisis of faith engendered when Holocaust stories begin to emerge in the U.S., loss, love, and the journey to adulthood.”

The Killer Angels: A Novel of the Civil War by Michael Shaara
Recommended by Sherry
From Amazon: “This novel reveals more about the Battle of Gettysburg than any piece of learned nonfiction on the same subject. Michael Shaara’s account of the three most important days of the Civil War features deft characterizations of all of the main actors, including Lee, Longstreet, Pickett, Buford, and Hancock.”

The Silver Sword by Ian Serrailer
Recommended by Sherry
From Amazon: “The dramatic story of three Polish children during and just after World War II, whose parents are taken away by the Nazis and their house blown up. The children manage to escape over the rooftops and join the gangs of orphans living in the ruins of the bombed city, existing as best they can.”

Life with Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse
Recommended by Sherry
From Amazon: “Wodehouse is, quite simply, one of the funniest men on the planet, and this latest compendium of his work, Life with Jeeves, is Wodehouse at his best. Here you’ll find Bertie Wooster, a complete gentleman, but the first to admit he’s a bit of a chump; his valet, Jeeves, infinitely sagacious, the source of all solace; and a wild collection of terrifying aunts, miserly uncles, love-sick friends, female authors, crusading communists, troublesome cousins, cantankerous dogs, unwanted fiancés and more-all bound up in plots as impossibly labyrinthine as they are laugh-out-loud funny.”

17 thoughts on “Books Every Guy Should Read (Pt. 4)”

  1. Ooh, the only one I have read is The Chosen. I absolutely loved that book!! I ought to read that one again.. it’s been a while. :) Thanks for this list. I know I am not a guy, but hey. Still nice to get some book ideas! I could always use those…. ;)

  2. God bless you for taking the time to put this together. You’ve provided a great resource to be passed on and shared to other young men — which is exactly what I intend to do.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Christina. The list was a lot of fun to put together, and I hope it will be a blessing to other young men (and women) looking for good stuff to read. Thanks for passing it on! :)

  3. Thanks for including my recommendation, Scribe! I haven’t even gotten around to reading the third Andrew Peterson book…definitely on my to-read list.

    Also, thanks to you, I’ve finally checked out a P.G. Wodehouse book from the library! I wasn’t sure where to start, so I checked out “The Girl in Blue.” Let me know there are any of his that I MUST read. (You got me started on Connie Willis, now this! :))

    My Saturday Review today is historical fiction, but it’s not a sappy love story…it’s a really remarkable novel about a Civil War nurse, and it’s rich with historical fact. Loved it!

    Cindy at Cindy’s Book Club

  4. My ‘want to read’ list is so long that I don’t know how I could ever start. Augustine’s City of God is incredible (though I’ve only read the first two books of it), and apparently the farther you get in, the better it gets (so says George Grant–I trust him on it). :D The book Practical Demonology by Conrad Murrell is a good one–I disagree with a few of his conclusions, but overall I think it’s pretty good.
    Cotton Mather’s books are all favorites, though I’ve only read a few-Wonders of the Invisible World and Thaumatographia Pneumatica, and a few snatches of others–I have a lot that I haven’t read yet.
    The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop is a fantastic book that I am starting this week. You can read it online for free here:
    Apostasy from the Gospel by John Owen is a must read (but in order to grasp it I had to take notes–this is a puritan after all!). I read it last year.
    As for WWII books, we’ve read a lot. One that was particularly interesting was Diet Eman’s book Things We Couldn’t say. After we read it we read Corrie Ten Boom’s books and came out with the remark “She got off really easy, didn’t she?”
    My dad has read most of George Müller’s autobiography, and I started it. Definitely a must read. :) Same goes for David Brainerd’s journal and Edward’s biography of him.
    Last but not least I recommend the 1599 Geneva Bible. As Dr. Jehle says “You ought to read the Bible that’s the national Bible of the United States.” :D That’s the only version I read because I find the other ones hard to understand because they sound too modern to me. *laugh*

    1. Awesome recommendations, CG! Thanks for taking the time to share ’em! :)

      Augustine is on my “to be read” list for sure, as are Cotton Mather and good ol’ John Owen. ;) There’s just so much good reading material out there, it’s hard to know where to start, right?

      The book by Diet Eman’s book sure sounds interesting. And I like the 1599 Geneva translation – that and the King James are my favorites, though I can appreciate the ESV, too. :)

  5. Thanks for taking my recommendations! And now I need to go re-read both Ender’s Game and Shogun. Ooh, I just thought of another: The Winds of War, by Herman Wouk. Awesome.

    (BTW, I just realized I didn’t warn you when I recommended Shogun…it has quite a bit of frank discussion of, er, intimacy in it. It’s a side effect of presenting a realistic picture of feudal Japanese culture.)

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