Books Every Guy Should Read (Pt. 2)

I told you the list wouldn’t end with part one. In fact, it won’t end with part 2, either…

The Road by Cormac McCarthy
One of the greatest novels ever written, and my all-time favorite piece of fiction. It’s a tale of desperate survival, unrestrained depravity, and courage in the face of horrifying odds. But most importantly, it is a love story; a powerful love story. One that passionately depicts the fierce, undying affection that burns between a father and his son.

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
I really don’t know of anyone who hasn’t read this series. Timeless fantasy from the pen of a master writer.

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
If I had to pick just one science fiction novel to call my favorite, it would almost certainly be this futuristic stunner from Ray Bradbury. It doesn’t revolve around aliens, robots, or mutating viruses. The primary focus is mankind… and the dangers inherent to a society that’s gone almost completely brain-dead.

Animal Farm by George Orwell
A classic, and one of those books that leaves a lasting impression on those who read it. Even though Stalinist Russia was the target when it was first written, its message is still crystal clear and relevant today.

Lord of the Flies by William Golding
An intensely haunting picture of the deep dark ugliness that naturally lurks within the sinful heart of man. By no means a pleasant read, but worthwhile one nevertheless.

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
This one will help you cultivate a “healthy interest” in devils, and also make you more acutely aware of the destructive ways in which Satan and his fallen angels work in the hearts, minds, and lives of men – especially Christians.

Carry On, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse
Vintage Wodehouse. ‘Nuff said.

Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
Eschewing the conventions of the Western genre, McCarthy paints a raw and unforgettable picture of the oft glamorized “wild west” and weaves a bleak but thought-provoking tale of human depravity and violence. Beneath the grit and the author’s exceptional prose, it’s an unforgettable story that reaches out and hits you in a way you’ll never forget.

I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
There’s no denying Asimov’s talent for spinning an engrossing sci-fi yarn. This collection of short-stories is worth looking into, though caution should be exercised with regard to the author’s distinctly humanistic worldview.

The Holy War by John Bunyan
Most people recognize Bunyan as the author of The Pilgrim’s Progress, but this one is every bit as good. An incredible tale of spiritual warfare and redemption. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John Le Carre
I’m still working my way through this one, but so far, I have to say it’s one of the best espionage novels I’ve ever read. The story is intelligent, the characters are colorful and multi-dimensional, and the psychological tension is well-crafted.

The Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander
Another classic fantasy series, delightfully rich in story, characters, and adventure.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
If you’ve seen the movie Men In Black (1997), you’ll know exactly what I mean when I say that this book is the literary equivalent of that movie. Funny, funny, funny.

Fear Is the Key by Alistair MacLean
An intelligent thriller that grabs you from the first page. It’s fast-paced, intense, and unpredictable. And I really mean unpredictable: you’ll never know where your going until you get there. And, in the case of this novel at least, that’s a good thing.

Have any recommendations of your own? Any book you think should be featured in future installments of this list? If so, be my guest and share ‘em down in the comments section.

28 thoughts on “Books Every Guy Should Read (Pt. 2)”

  1. Good list! I’ve read all these authors with the exception of Alexander and McCarthy. Le Carre is an excellent read even though the cold war is over. As for Wodehouse and Adams, I think the British have a unique gift for humor that didn’t cross over the pond.

    1. Thanks, Persis! I think you’d enjoy both Alexander and McCarthy quite a bit. I hope to read the rest of the Karla Trilogy just as soon as I’m finished with TTSS – Le Carre’s writing has piqued my interest. As to the British gift for humor… I think you’re right. :)

    1. The books in this list are certainly not meant for guys only, though there may be some that appeal to male interest more than female. In fact, the books included are probably books everybody should read. Then again, that’s an even larger subject, one which I’m not really prepared to address… :)

      Fahrenheit 451 is fabulous. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. You’ll have to tell me what you think when you’re finished.

      Thanks for stopping by, Aubrey! I appreciate it! :)

  2. Great books, I’ve got a few more to add to my “to be read” list.

    My recommendation, would be “Deadfall” by Robert Lipariulo. It is a great thriller, four guys going on a hunting trip in the Canadian wilderness near a small town that is being held in terror by a madman with an experimental superweapon. From there it becomes a thrilling chase and a totally awesome book.

  3. WHERE’S BUCHAN??? I find it hard to believe that his books have not made it to Part 1 or 2!!! Great list … puts me to shame, as I figure that I’ve read about half of what you put up there. Keep up the good work! Keep yer powder dry!

  4. Actually, some of those would be great reads for ladies as well!! I know Mom and Becca (I think) read Fahrenheit 451. I have read Screwtape letters and really enjoyed it. Definitely a good read for anyone!

    Thanks a lot for sharing these! I have been looking for some good books to read… and if guys can read pride and prejudice, surely I can read some ‘guy books’, right? ;)

    1. Yup, as I said before, the books in this list aren’t just guy-only reads, though there may be some that appeal to male interest more than female. :)

      The Screwtape Letters is such a good book. I need to read it again.

  5. I agree with you, grandson. I’ll leave these books to the guys. I’ll continue to read the series I’m currently reading by Lemony Snicket. Proud of you.

  6. This caught my eye from Semicolon’s because I have three guys. :-) I haven’t read the book Old Yeller (I should), but I love the boy-becoming-man scenario in the film, and I’d assume the book shows the same. Heir to a Dream by Pete Maravich is excellent, too.

    Though a different genre I’d also recommend some classic missionary biographies:
    Hudson Taylor: Growth of a Soul by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor
    Mountain Rain: A New Biography of J. O. Fraser by Eleen Crossman
    Goforth of China by Rosalind Goforth
    Through Gates of Splendor, Shadow of the Almighty, The Journals of Jim Elliot by Elisabeth Elliot
    To the Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson by Courtney Anderson
    The Autobiography of George Muller
    The End of the Spear by Steve Saint
    Daktar: Diplomat in Bangladesh by Viggo Olsen

    1. Wow. Thanks for taking the time to list all those recommendations. I appreciate it. :) I’ll have to add Old Yeller to a future installment of this list, and End of the Spear, Through the Gates of Splendor, and Heir to a Dream are all books I’d especially like to check out.

  7. Thanks for leaving the link to this on my blog! I really love looking at the books you are reading and what you think about them. Holy War. Awesome *suddenly wants to read it again* and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, looks really appealing – I should check it out from our library if it has it.


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