Graphic Novels, Anyone?

yzchwgr3koqrpya6av0bt6b7o1_500The graphic novel is a medium I’ve only recently come to appreciate. Last year, I read and enjoyed Max Collins’ The Road to Perdition, Alan Moore’s League of Extraordinary Gentleman (Vol. 1), and the first book in Jeff Smith’s Bone series. This year, I’d like to read more, and I’m looking for recommendations.

That’s where you come in.

Whether you’re a fellow newbie or a bona fide connoisseur, I’d love to know what graphic novels you have enjoyed and would especially recommend.

I’ve heard great things about Year One and The Dark Knight Returns – and being the Batfanatic that I am, both are currently at the top of my “to be checked out” list. The Bone series is one I’d like to continue reading. Brian Azzarello’s 100 Bullets has an intriguing premise, and both Maus and 2000AD: Judge Dredd get consistently high marks from reviewers.

A penny for your thoughts?

17 thoughts on “Graphic Novels, Anyone?”

    1. I’ve heard good things about that series – and I love the AMC adaption – but a friend warned me that the amount of sexual content is significantly worse in the comics than it is in the show. I’ll be interested to hear what you think if you read them.

  1. I enjoyed comic books a bit as a kid, but I’ve never been able to get into Graphic Novels as an adult. The medium just doesn’t work for me.

  2. The Tintin books by Herge are fantastic. You can read them all, then turn around and read them all again. They are very intricately designed, the plot is intriguing, and the art is stellar. We got the set from Timberdoodle, and it’s extremely well loved. :D

  3. My thoughts are worth much more than a paltry penny. A dollar, at least, and then we can talk.

    Seriously, If the French comics Tintin and Asterix count as graphic novels, I highly recommend them. The English translations, of course, the original French is a bit inappropriate, or so I’m told. :)

  4. I’ve always been a fan of comic books myself, though my graphic novel reading has generally been limited to more mainstream series’ like Superman (my personal favourite), Justice League, etc. DC Comics – a little over a year ago – revamped their entire comic series, restarting all of their comics at issue #1, and collected the first 5-6 issues of all of the series in graphic novel format, including several Batman titles, which you may want to check out. Of course the Dark Knight GN’s that the movies were based on, I am sure you would enjoy those, too. I just started the Walking Dead series, and have only read the first GN, and didn’t find any sexual content in that, but perhaps it will get worse as it progresses. The only complaint about that one is it does have a fair amount of explicit language in it. Looking forward to reading reviews of some of the ones you check out!

  5. You’ve got to finish the Bone saga; it seems childish and cute at first, but it quickly turns into one of the most epic stories to have ever graced the page. And in preparation for Iron Man 3, I recommend reading the Iron Man: Extremis story arc. I would also suggest the Marvel: Civil War series; it’s surprisingly relevant to real-world political/ethical issues, as well as just plain awesome, haha. There are loads of other great graphic novels, but I’m having a hard time thinking of them at the moment. :)

      1. Hahaha, indeed. Much more of a Marvel guy than a DC guy, anyway. Hundreds of fascinating characters and story arcs vs. one great character and a million absurd story arcs…. Not a hard choice, as far as I can tell. :P

  6. Batman: Year One is fantastic. Best thing is the art. The heavy contrast of light and dark is something I want to imitate in my own comics. (If anyone is looking for classic manga, read Tezuka’s Black Jack. Well worth your time.)

      1. It’s about an outlaw surgeon who helps needy patients while challenging the corrupt medical establishment. The overarching themes are informed by Tezuka’s own experience as a physician. The good thing about Black Jack is you can start anywhere in the series and not be totally lost. They’re written as stand-alone short stories, not episodes in a sequence.

        There is some continuity, but it’s not essential to read them in any particular order (I myself started at vol. 5, eventually read back to 1). That makes Black Jack very accessible to newcomers. Most manga is not like that.

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